Certified Arborists in Niagara Region

We cover all of your arborist needs in Niagara & beyond.

WhoWe Are

certified consulting support arborist in niagara

Harry Althorpe, Owner | TreeReports

Tree Reports - Tree Removal, Tree Pruning and Arborist Reports. Over 25 years experience in the municipal, utility, and private sectors.

Very fast turnaround times for Tree Services and Consulting in Burlington and the Niagara Region

certified arborist niagara

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WhyYou Need An Arborist

An ISA Certified TRAQ Arborist is the fundamental part of any successful tree related project.

niagara arborist support

HowWe Can Help

TreeReports covers the full spectrum of all your Arboriculture needs.

niagara arborist

WeServe Some Great Communities

niagara arborist support cities

Ready to start your project?

Contact us today and we’ll get back to you with a quote. We offer complete contactless service and payment options.